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My Life in You

My Life in you stands the test of time.
It is your life-line to have Me flowing through you.
My witness in your life is to validate you and prepare you and other, as well, for kingdom living with Me for eternity.
My Father has sent Me to the earth to redeem you all and bring you forth as pure gold.
You are being purified by refiner’s fire of the Holy Spirit to bring you forth in My Destiny for you.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
Come and be transformed into My Likeness and will.
I delight to bring you My Life for it restores all things, heals, comforts and directs your path in holiness and righteousness.
Come singing unto Me for your all for I delight to receive you and give you fullness of joy

©2013 Connie Savageau
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