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Twilight Season for My Children

It is twilight season for My Children, says the Lord your God
It is time for My Children to ascend to Me.
It is time for My Children to awake and rise up in the air!
I am coming soon and My reward for each of you is coming as well.
Take this time now to review your life and ask Me to make the changes needed to prevail with Me.
Count it all lost to have Me.
I am your Bridegroom coming for His Bride, My Church.
All heaven is excited for the time is coming and is here when the Son of Man will descend with a cloud of
witnesses, for His Glory, and slew the wicked and enchain the evil one for a thousand years.
Look up for your redemption is nigh.
Rejoice with Me and be made whole by My Love.

©2013 Connie Savageau
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